誠摯邀請您參加 X-Talent 海外研習分享會! 這是一個獨特的平台,讓您能夠有機會了解此計畫,並面對面與參與過的學長姐進行 QA 交流 別錯過這個充滿機會和挑戰的時刻,快來與我們一起探索跨域的無限可能,攜手開創未來的輝煌!✨ 此系列分享會共有三場,可選擇您方便的場次參與
12/17(二) 12:00 - 14:00
國立中興大學 生科大樓 Z104 室
12/23(一) 12:20 - 13:10
國立臺灣科技大學 工程一館 E1-306 室
12/26(四) 10:00 - 12:00
臺北醫學大學 雙和校區 生醫科技大樓 10F I-Public Health
X-talent makes you the next top talent!!
報名 X Talent 計畫的申請資料中,需要繳交 「研習構想書」
構想書的前兩部分只需各準備一頁的英文履歷(CV)和英文自我推薦信(Cover Letter)
撰寫格式不限,可先在網路上查詢,一頁內完成為佳 -
研習規劃 - 簡明扼要
‼️「言簡意賅,有憑有據」→ 這是「構想」書 ‼️
撰寫研習構想書的目的是希望你能對自己的專業及想學的內容有更深入的理解。這不僅對報名 X Talent 有幫助,對於你自己的職涯過程也非常有益,讓你更清楚自己的技術可以應用在哪些公司或產業上 -
A. 遵守學術倫理
由於產業現況的資料多來自二手資訊,請務必注意「引用的比例」並註明資料來源,切勿抄襲。一旦發現抄襲,將會失去報名資格,這一點的嚴重性不言而喻B. 強化對產業與自身技術定位的觀察
透過構想書的審查,可以評估自身的能力與研習機會所需能力之間的匹配度,同時也能洞察目前產業發展所需的技術,並檢視自己是否具備這些關鍵技能C. 報名時僅需提交一份職缺的構想書
The X Talent Program is an industry innovation talent overseas training initiative promoted by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). The program aims to cultivate talents with an international perspective by providing applicants with the opportunity to participate in training at overseas companies. It allows you to learn and enhance your professional skills through practical experience. This is an excellent platform for challenging yourself and broadening your horizons! 🗓️ Application Period: November 22 - December 22 💣 Eligibility:
- Nationality: Applicants must hold Republic of China (Taiwan) nationality.
- Age: Born on or after January 1, 1984 (under 40 years old).
- Educational and Work Experience: No specific requirements (A bachelor's degree or higher is necessary).
- English Proficiency: Must be able to communicate fluently with native speakers in both professional and daily life settings; proof of proficiency is required.
Please prepare the required documents and apply online through the program website during the application period. For detailed information on the application process and required documents, please refer to the official X Talent Program website.
Apply Now → Brochure
💣 More Information:
📎 Program Brochure
📎 Position Openings
📎 Registration System
💣 Contact Information:
If you have any questions about the program, feel free to contact us:
✉️ Email: xtalent@narlabs.org.tw
☎️ Phone: (02)2737-7427, (02)2737-7922
Don't miss this rare opportunity!
Expand your international perspective and enhance your professional skills!