📍 X Talent 計畫 2024-2梯次 徵件說明簡報 📍 


國家科學及技術委員會推動「產業創新人才海外培訓計畫」(X Talent,以下簡稱「本計畫」),由國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心負責執行。旨在呼應政府重點產業發展政策及配合國家科技前瞻布局,選送具潛力的產學創新種子人才,赴海外研習,汲取前瞻技術知識、創新商業模式及國際布局策略。希冀受培育之種子人才將所學應用於國內產業,協助產業轉型升級、發展技術優勢與創新能力,強化我國在全球科技與產業布局中的競爭地位。




  1. 國籍:申請人須有中華民國國籍

  2. 年齡:民國73年1月1日(含)後出生者。

  3. 學經歷:不限,但須對欲申請之海外企業及其須具備之技術能力有相當程度的認識,具發展潛力及自我挑戰之企圖心,並於申請時詳細說明並提出相關證明。

  4. 英文能力:能與母語人士在研習環境及生活上流暢對談及表達之英文能力程度,並於申請時檢附英語系國家學士或同等級以上之學歷證明,或民國111年(含)後取得之英文能力證明文件之一:​

    • 多益 785分或以上

    • 托福紙本測驗(ITP) 543分 / 網路測驗(iBT) 72分或以上

    • 雅思 5.5分或以上

    • 全民英檢 中高級或以上


  5. 具有主動積極、獨立思考與作業能力,能與團隊充分溝通合作,且勇於與不同文化、技術背景的專業人才進行交流,對於將所學有服務熱忱,且可實際貢獻臺灣產業者。

  6. 曾參與國科會產學研鏈結中心計畫(價創計畫)、研發成果萌芽計畫(萌芽計畫)、科研創業案源發掘及育成推動計畫(科創計畫)、創新創業激勵計畫(FITI計畫)等國科會科研創業相關計畫者尤佳。


  1. 申請人須至計畫網站線上申請,報名系統網址:

  2. 請務必於報名截止日期前於報名系統送出,逾期不受理。

  3. 請依線上系統登錄格式內容,詳實完整填寫中英文資料並檢附相關證明文件。

  4. 申請人須覓兩位推薦人,並於報名系統如實填寫推薦人聯絡資訊。

  5. 網路報名資料一經送出不得修改,請務必確認申請內容是否已完整填寫並附上所有附件。


  • 報名申請
  • 三階段審查
    1. 構想書審查
    2. 培訓與選訓
    3. 研習計畫書審查
  • 海外公司面試
  • 核定公告


  1. 補助金額
  2. 前項補助生活費之核發分兩期撥付
    • 第一期:第1至第6個月之補助生活費。雙方於簽訂合約且學員完成補助生活費請領手續後,於雙方約定之補助起始日前後30個日曆天內,將第一期補助生活費匯入學員指定之本人國內帳戶。
    • 第二期:第7至第12個月之補助生活費。學員應依本計畫辦公室規定時程內繳交期中自評表,經本計畫辦公室依研習單位之期中考核文件考核通過後,始撥付第二期補助生活費至學員指定之本人國內帳戶。


  1. 本計畫為國科會為補助臺灣人才赴外研習之計畫,故優先補助取得本國學歷及未曾受領政府公費補助出國之申請人,且曾受本計畫(包含LEAP計畫)補助者不得再次申請。

  2. 申請人於申請日過去一年內,不得為欲申請之研習企業之員工、董監事或負責人,並應在申請時提供聲明文件,切結無該情況,必要時應出具相關勞健保投保紀錄證明之。

  3. 公告入選之學員赴海外研習前,須參與行前培訓及團隊凝聚活動,並與本計畫辦公室簽署合約。若無法完成合約簽署或者主動放棄簽署,視同放棄參與海外研習權利。

  4. 入選學員除應履行本計畫簡章之相關事項外,亦應確實遵守雙方簽署之合約與國科會相關規定。

  5. 入選學員於簽署合約時,應覓具中華民國國民身分之連帶保證人一人,並配合辦理對保。連帶保證人須符合以下兩個條件之一,於簽約時提供相關證明文件:(1)於我國現職服務機構服務2年以上且最近之全年薪資所得在60萬元以上(2)具有公告現值250萬元以上並位於我國之不動產所有權。另,已擔任本計畫學員連帶保證人且尚未解除或履行完擔保責任者,不得參加本計畫培訓。

  6. 前項連帶保證人若有下列情形之一,不得擔任學員之連帶保證人:(1)領取政府各類公費獲獎學金赴國外進修且尚未完成返國義務者(2)具有雙或多重國籍者(3)學員之配偶。

  7. 受本計畫補助至美國研習者,限定申請J-1簽證赴美,以J-1以外簽證赴美,計畫不予補助。

  8. 由於入選學員赴海外研習作業受簽證作業時程影響,確切赴海外時間依據入選學員之入境簽證文件為準,至遲須於本計畫辦公室公告之時程內抵達選定之海外研習機構。

  9. 入選學員赴海外研習若受簽證影響,無法取得本計畫規範之簽證赴外研習,恕不補助。如有特殊情況,請先知會計畫辦公室並徵得同意,計畫辦公室保留最終解釋和決定權。

  10. 學員於本計畫赴外研習期間,不得從事與研習目的無關之活動(包含原職)。若因故無法繼續參與本計畫之研習,除經本計畫辦公室書面同意外,須依合約負返還已受領之費用及相關賠償責任。

  11. 學員於本計畫赴外研習期間內應於指定期間內依規定繳交期中自評表及期末報告,並通過審查(報告格式、內容,依本計畫辦公室公告為主)。如學員報告未通過期中考核或期末報告審查,須依合約返還生活補助費並終止研習。

  12. 本計畫係國科會補助之研習計畫,國科會保留計畫執行方式與執行與否之最終決定權,包含但不限於本計畫辦公室配合國科會因天災、傳染病或其他不可抗力之事由或基於其他政策考量下片面終止本計畫。

  13. 獲本計畫補助之學員應負擔返國義務,返國義務包含返國服務、計畫宣傳義務與配合計畫辦公室後續追蹤,學員應於研習結束後5年內完成。其中返國服務之年限必須與所受領補助期限相同,計畫宣傳義務及後續追蹤內容依計畫辦公室公告為主。如完成研習之學員無法完成前述義務,本計畫保留請求全額生活補助費用、研習費用及損害賠償求償之權利。

  14. 國科會或本計畫辦公室不為結束研習之學員安排工作,學員須自行洽談覓職事宜。

  15. 其他學員權利義務以合約規範內容為準。


   聯絡窗口:財團法人國家實驗研究院  科技政策研究與資訊中心
   聯絡地址:106214 臺北市大安區和平東路二段106號14樓


📍 X Talent 計畫 2024-2梯次 徵件說明簡報 📍 

X Talent 2024 2nd Batch Host Companies List
Applied Materials

Applied Materials is a world-wide largest Semiconductor and Display equipment manufacturer.

Algen Biotechnologies, Inc.

Algen, a venture-backed preclinical stage biotech company, is using CRISPR to uncover disease-driving RNA messages to find treatments for cancer and diseases with high unmet needs. Originated from UC Berkeley, Algen is the first to elegantly fuse high throughput, wide-scale gene editing and state-of-the-art machine learning to find first-in-class drugs that modulate RNA messages at single-cell resolution. Algen’s research group focuses on developing and applying novel functional genomics technologies to address scientific challenges in drug discovery and deliver innovative, patient-centric medicines for the toughest-to-treat diseases.


AcuraStem Inc.

AcuraStem is a near-to-clinic, patient-based, biotechnology company pioneering how treatments are developed for neurodegenerative diseases — including sporadic ALS and FTD — using our proprietary, best-in-class, disease-modeling platform, iNeuroRx®, the gold standard for discovering novel, effective and broadly-acting treatments.

Apeximmune Therapeutics Inc.

Apeximmune Therapeutics seeks to harness the power of the immune system to treat and cure cancer. We discover and pioneer innovative therapeutic antibodies against novel targets to modulate immune cell activity and elicit durable efficacy in cancer. Apeximmune’s target discovery platform combines bioinformatics with biological assays to enable identification of novel immune modulating targets. Currently, antibodies for two immuno-oncology target programs in the pre-clinical stage are being actively developed with the goal of reaching IND status within 18 months.

Amgen Inc.

Amgen is committed to unlocking the potential of biology for patients suffering from serious illnesses by discovering, developing, manufacturing, and delivering innovative human therapeutics. This approach begins by using tools like advanced human genetics to unravel the complexities of disease and understand the fundamentals of human biology. Our belief—and the core of our strategy—is that innovative, highly differentiated medicines provide large clinical benefits in addressing serious diseases. And we believe these medicines not only help patients, but also help reduce the social and economic burden of disease in society. Amgen focuses on areas of high unmet medical need and leverages its expertise to strive for solutions that improve health outcomes and dramatically improve people’s lives. A biotechnology innovator since 1980, Amgen has grown to be one of the world’s leading independent biotechnology companies, has reached millions of patients around the world and is developing a pipeline of medicines with breakaway potential.

BioLegend, Inc.

BioLegend develops world-class, cutting-edge antibodies and reagents for biomedical research, manufactured in our state-of-the-art facility in San Diego, CA. Our mission is to accelerate research and discovery by providing the highest quality products at an outstanding value and with superior customer and technical support.

Chain Reaction Ltd.

Chain Reaction is engineering the future of disruptive blockchain and privacy technologies. We accelerate compute performance, enabling companies to adopt and scale solutions to the world’s most complex problems. Partnering with cloud and data centers, we transform compute infrastructure with custom ASICs and systems that optimize for energy efficient, high-performance compute. Our Privacy Processor dramatically accelerates real-time operations of Privacy Enhancing Technologies on encrypted data, transforming the cloud into a trusted environment, enabling verticals that rely on confidential big data to use the cloud (including financial institutions, healthcare & big pharma, defense & government, and oil & gas). Purpose-built and custom-designed, our solutions power the next generation of secure, scalable, green computing to help protect people, privacy, and the planet.

Cellentia Inc.

We are a Specialty CRO (Contract Research Organization) that helps clients accelerate their drug development by providing innovative and best in class bioassays.
Our leaders are especially passionate about mentoring and fostering a stronger and brighter Bioscience community from Taiwan, in fact, 3 previous Presidents of Chinese Bioscience Association are members of the company.

CancerFree Biotech, Ltd.

CancerFree Biotech develops 3D tumor organoid culture systems from patient blood samples, using these organoids to test cancer therapeutics. Our proprietary technology serves as a precision medicine tool for creating personalized treatment plans and is also used in drug development research to evaluate drug efficacy. CancerFree Biotech is incorporated in Delaware and operates a subsidiary in Taiwan, with offices in both New York City and Taipei.

Delta Electronics India Pvt. Ltd.

Delta, founded in 1971, is a global provider of power and thermal management solutions. Its mission statement, To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow, focuses on addressing key environmental issues such as global climate change. As an energy-saving solutions provider with core competencies in power electronics and automation, Delta's business categories include Power Electronics, Automation, and Infrastructure.

Eos BioInnovation, LLC

Eos BioInnovation incubates and invests in projects in the field of regenerative medicine (e.g., cell & gene therapy, tissue engineering & biomaterials, molecules promoting endogenous regeneration mechanisms or helping to stop or reverse the body's degeneration processes and enabling technologies along the value chain that accelerate regenerative medicine applications) primarily from the Harvard and Boston biotech ecosystem, as well as from other top academic and research institutions. 

We are financially supported by our primary institutional partner, Panacea Venture, a $600M+ investment firm focused on healthcare investments.  We have already made two investments from the Harvard network (a neuromodulation startup from Boston Children’s Hospital and a T cell reconstitution company from Mass General Hospital/Paulson School of Engineering & Applied Science) and one investment from the University of California San Francisco (an early stage senolytics startup leveraging novel immune approaches to address age-related diseases to improve human health span).  We continue to look for exciting early stage biotech projects and are particularly interested in company formation opportunities where we launch promising companies with leading scientists and motivated entrepreneurs.

Fujitsu Research of America Inc

Fujitsu is one of the world's largest IT services providers and has a significant presence in Japan (No.1) and globally (No. 9). The company is known for its supercomputers, servers, and other high-performance computing solutions. Fujitsu also offers a wide range of enterprise software, cloud services, and cybersecurity solutions.

Throughout its history, Fujitsu has been involved in various technological innovations and has contributed to global electronics and computing industries. The company continues to focus on digital transformation and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things.

Fujitsu Research of America plays a crucial role in Fujitsu's global research and development efforts, focusing on creating innovative solutions for the North American market and contributing to Fujitsu's worldwide technological advancements.


The Centro Tecnolóxico de Telecomunicacións de Galicia -Gradiant was born in December 2007 with the aim of aligning university R&D with business demands.  To achieve this, throughout its history it has focused on applied research and the transfer of knowledge in information and communication technologies (ICT) to industry. The centre's priority is to help companies to generate business by providing them with tailor-made technological solutions, through capabilities concentrated in three major technological areas of specialisation: connectivity, security and intelligence. The researchers and other professionals who work in these areas are Gradiant's main resource for providing its clients - SMEs and large companies - with innovative technologies capable of increasing their competitiveness. Within the framework of these technological areas, the R&D&I activity of the centre comprises several lines of work that currently converge in: Multimedia analysis; Data analytics and big data; IoT and embedded systems; Security and privacy; and (Sub)communications systems. It is important to note that in the convergence process two distinct lines at the beginning of the 2017-2021 period, Cloud and eHealth, have been integrated into the current Data analytics and big data line. In the case of Cloud, as a sub-line of infrastructure.  For eHealth, as a sub-line called Health intelligence. During the period 17-21, Gradiant strengthens its position as a benchmark in R&D in its three main technological areas of specialisation.

Genentech Inc.

Considered the founder of the industry, Genentech, now a member of the Roche Group, has been delivering on the promise of biotechnology for more than 45 years.

Considered the founder of the industry, Genentech, now a member of the Roche Group, has been delivering on the promise of biotechnology for more than 45 years.

Genentech is a biotechnology company dedicated to pursuing groundbreaking science to discover and develop medicines for people with serious and life-threatening diseases. Our transformational discoveries include the first targeted antibody for cancer and the first medicine for primary progressive multiple sclerosis.

Jmem Technology Co., Ltd.

Jmem Tek provides hardware security IP and chip design services. With advancements in technology, traditional security systems face the risk of being compromised by the rapid computational speed of quantum computers.

To address future security trends, the White House officially signed a memorandum of cooperation on Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) in 2022. Jmem Tek's patented technology is based on Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) for PQC modules, utilizing the most complex computational methods for encryption to prevent hacker attacks.

The business revenue model includes licensing fees and royalties for hardware security IP, along with providing IC design services to our IP clients, fostering long-term partnerships to ensure stable revenue growth each year. Recognized with multiple startup awards within a year and a half, Jmem Tek believes its patented R&D technology is highly promising.

This year, Jmem Tek plans to establish an office in the Hsinchu and deepen connections with the semiconductor industry. Additionally, the United States is expected to enact laws to mitigate quantum computer attacks, prompting Jmem Tek to actively expand into overseas markets and venture into multiple countries in Europe and America, enabling our technology to be swiftly applied globally

JSC Altechna R&D (brandname - Workshop of Photonics (WOP))

Workshop of Photonics (WOP) journey started in 2003 when extensive research in the field of femtosecond (fs) laser micromachining has begun. Since the beginning, we are continually investing in research, striving to always be in front of micron-scale challenges, while our past experience is based on long time research and previous theoretical and practical experience of the team members, that are incorporated in the outcomes of the proposal. Several research articles and patents are the proof that the team is allocated considerable resources for the development of the solution and also is the proof that they are aware of the major scientific and technology trends – actually the team is a shaper of those trends. We deliver full-service solution: - Rapid prototyping services; - Manufacturing services; - Laser workstations development. Shortly about us and our motivation to participate: - High Tech company specializing in Ultrashort Pulse Laser Technologies for industrial manufacturing; - Application laboratory, solution provider for Semicon, Biotech, Automotive, Medtech, etc. industries; - Precision engineering solutions, based on laser micro-processing; - Materials: glass/sapphire/silicon wafer processing, metal foils, Fiber Bragg grating inscription, etc. - Lately, Workshop of Photonics is actively promoting company offerings in Taiwan market. Multiple connections among integrators and end users as well as with trade companies. Thus Workshop of Photonics is enthusiastic about X-Talent program which can bring closer our countries and businesses

Lightel Technologies Inc.

LIGHTEL is an advanced technology company located in the Greater Seattle to service the Fiber Optics & Photonics industries worldwide. The new focus is to develop Hi-power (KW) technologies for Fiber Laser applications to serve the Industry 4.0., IMS (Intelligent Manufacturing System) and Autonomous Vehicles.

Mucker Capital

Mucker Capital started about 10 years ago and has grown from an accelerator to cover everything from pre-seed to series A investments, including Honey (acquired by PayPal for $4B), ServiceTitan (last valued at $9.5B), and Emailage (acquired by LexisNexis parent RELX for $500M). As one of the top early-stage venture Capital firms in the US, Mucker's portfolio companies have raised a total $8 billion in additional outside funding.

Modelcore laboratories LTD.

We research power electronics simulation technology and support manufacturers' development with simulation technology, from circuit analysis to hardware development and education business by utilizing SPICE/MATLAB Simulink.Last year we started with a capital of 3700US$ and sold 12500US$. We aim to expand our business both domestically and internationally and are looking for researchers for technology development.


NVIDIA’s invention of the GPU sparked the PC gaming market. The company’s pioneering work in accelerated computing—a supercharged form of computing at the intersection of computer graphics, high performance computing and AI—is reshaping trillion-dollar industries, such as transportation, healthcare and manufacturing, and fueling the growth of many others.

ONYX Healthcare USA, Inc.

Onyx Healthcare USA is a subsidiary of the ASUS Computer Group that has been providing innovative and medically certified (CE/FCC Class B, UL/EN60601, CSA) healthcare computing solutions to assist workflows in operating suites, nursing stat ions, patient wards, ambulatory care, and hospital administrations worldwide. Onyx Healthcare USA, Inc., with 15+ years of medical design experiences, leverages embedded computing technology to design and manufacture medical grade (UL60601-1) fanless all-in-one panel PC system platforms and embedded boards as the building blocks to medical device OEM and healthcare IT business.

Pfizer Inc.

Pfizer Inc. is an American multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology corporation headquartered on 42nd Street in Manhattan, New York City in 1849 in New York. Pfizer develops and produces medicines and vaccines for immunology, oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, and neurology. The company has several blockbuster drugs or products that each generate more than US$1 billion in annual revenues. In 2020, 52% of the company's revenues came from the United States, 6% came from each of China and Japan, and 36% came from other countries.

PathCision Medicine, Inc.

PathCision Medicine is a biopharmaceutical startup using tissue pathology data to develop novel precision medicine for metastatic cancer and other diseases. Our proprietary AI drug discovery engine deciphers how diseases interact within the tissue microenvironment, and we integrate advanced patient multi-omic data to ensure clinical translatability. The first asset that emerged from this engine can home into tumor and avoid healthy tissue – limiting toxicity while increasing efficacy. We are now building version 2 of the discovery engine to increase the machine learning component and are seeking to grow our team with additional machine learning engineers.

PharmaEssentia Innovation Research Center

PharmaEssentia Corporation is a rapidly growing biopharmaceutical innovator. We are leveraging deep expertise and proven scientific principles to deliver effective new biologics for challenging diseases in the areas of hematology and oncology, with one approved product and a diversifying pipeline. We believe in the potential to improve both health and quality of life for patients with limited options today through the combination of rigorous research and innovative thinking.
Founded in 2003 by a team of Taiwanese-American executives and renowned scientists from U.S. biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, today we are listed on the Taipei Exchange (TPEx: 6446) and are expanding our global presence with operations in the U.S., Japan, China and Korea, along with a world-class biologics production facility in Taichung, Taiwan.
In order to continue our mission to create better medicines, PharmaEssential plans to launch a US R & D center, named PharmaEssentia Innovation Research Center (PIRC) in 2023. PIRC laboratory and office space is currently under construction. The scheduled completion date is in June/July, 2023.

Polaris Electro-Optics

At Polaris Electro-Optics, Inc., we believe that overcoming society’s greatest challenges requires mastery of the creation, movement, and use of information. We are mastering the movement of information by leveraging patented material and design innovations to offer the highest-speed, most energy efficient integrated photonics products to the communications and computation industries. Our goal is to define the standard for moving information. We work hard in a collaborative, cross-functional team environment, and value mutual trust and respect built on a foundation of integrity, transparency, consistency, and humility. Additional information about Polaris is available at www.PolarisEO.com.

Taiwania Capital Management USA, Inc.

Taiwania Capital is a venture capital firm founded in August 2017 by the National Development Fund of the Executive Yuan of Taiwan and private enterprises. Our mission is to establish a partnership with companies worldwide and boost Taiwan’s economic growth.

We focus on investing in early-stage companies and have managed six funds till 2022.

We focus on financial returns, but more than that, by linking technology and capital, we aspire to create a robust ecosystem in Taiwan that is rooted in entrepreneurial innovation. 

Taiwania Capital is named after Taiwania cryptomerioides, a unique tree species that took its name from Taiwan in 1906. With heights reaching up to 90 meters, the Taiwania tree is one of the tallest tree species in Asia, and surrounding it is a diverse and vibrant ecosystem. By linking technology and capital, Taiwania Capital aspires to also create a robust ecosystem in Taiwan that is rooted in entrepreneurial innovation.


Taboola helps people find relevant content online, matching them with news stories, articles, blogs, videos, apps, products and other content they’re likely to want to explore.
How do we know what they’ll like? Using machine-learning algorithms, our technology analyzes hundreds of signals to capture exactly what kind of content is most likely to engage each individual. We do that more than 450 billion times a month for more than one billion unique users.

Since we opened our doors in 2006, we have grown to become the leading discovery platform on the open web, serving a combination of the world’s best brands and the most respected global publishers.

Taboola is headquartered in New York City with local offices in Los Angeles, London, Tel Aviv, New Delhi, Bangkok, São Paulo, Beijing, Shanghai, Istanbul, Seoul, Sydney, Tokyo and Taiwan.

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